
Busting Common Laser Hair Mississauga Myths

The removal of body hair using laser hair Mississauga is one of the most valued and shunned beauty treatment in Canada. The mixed reaction that the treatment gets can be linked to some of the speculations around it. Some of these speculations are partly correct. Due to some of the following myths, most people choose to bypass the treatment.

The treatment is intensely painful.

During the first years of use, the technology was known to cause pain. It was at first unpredictable as it could both remove the hair and damage the skins of its users. However, the laser hair Mississauga technology has developed significantly over the years. It causes minimal discomfort to its users. The users are also provided with numbing creams so as to ease any pain.

It can only work on dark hair.

The fact that the treatment did not work on ginger or blonde hair was recently changed. Nowadays, doctors can target the dark pigments found in blonde hair. Although laser hair removal still works better on dark hair, this is a step forward. People with blonde hair will need to attend more sessions so as to get the same effect as that that people with dark hair get in a few sessions.

It is supposed to last forever.

Although it might be a positive myth, it is a far-fetched one. The method does not completely destroy hair follicles. It only damages them. The damage results in a slower rate of hair growth. Electrolysis is the only known hair removal method that is permanent. The effect that you will get from laser hair Mississauga removal is long lasting, but you will still need to keep on attending sessions once in a while.

With the myths above busted, hair removal specialists should expect more clients in their centers. Since some of these myths result from the technique’s history, doctors should aim at setting the record straight. If you are worried about the treatment, it is wise to seek the opinion of a hair removal specialist. For more information find us.

