Hair Restoration

Hair Restoration Toronto: Types of Foods Suitable for Hair Growth

A fun fact, a normal human being’s hair grows 0.5 inches per month and 5.9 inches per year. How fast you achieve these thresholds depends on factors such as genetics, diet, health, and age. While you have no control over genetics and age, you have control over your health and the nutrients that you get. That said, after hair restoration Toronto, here are food types you can use to boost your hair growth.


Eggs contain plenty of proteins and biotin proteins that promote hair growth. Biotin is responsible for the production of keratin, a supplement that is highly recognized for hair growth. However, according to research, it is unlikely to experience a biotin deficiency if you consistently eat a balanced diet. Similarly, no evidence shows that consuming more biotin in healthy people leads to more hair growth.


These contain plenty of nutrients and compounds that come in handy during your hair restoration Toronto journey. They are rich in vitamin C, which contains antioxidants. These antioxidants protect your hair follicles from damage by free radicals. Additionally, berries have plenty of collagen, a protein that helps keep the hair strong and free from breakage.


By now, you must have seen hair products that list avocado as part of their ingredients. This is because avocado contains vitamin E, which is essential for hair growth. Besides neutralizing free radicals, vitamin E protects the scalp and the skin from damage and oxidative stress. Stressed and damaged skin will produce few and poor-quality hair follicles leading to hair thinning and eventual baldness. Avocados also contain fatty acids that are important for cell formation and maintenance.

Hair is an essential part of the human body, and any loss is met with grief and anguish; luckily, hair restoration Toronto has you covered to ensure your head is full again. By adding proper nutrition to your hair journey, your results will be better and long-lasting.
