Business, Hair Restoration

Laser Hair Removal Toronto Clinic Options for Permanent Hair Eradication

The number of people looking for hair removal alternatives has shot up in the recent past. Most are nonetheless not as intent on solutions that will need them to come in every so often to get rid of their unwanted hair. Permanent solutions in the form of IPL, electrolysis and laser hair removal Toronto have now become the leading alternatives for both men and women keen on getting rid of unwanted hair. Here are a few tidbits to better your comprehension of these permanent hair removal techniques.

Laser Removal

This uses laser light to get rid of unwanted hair in about 4-6 sessions spaced 4-6 weeks apart depending on the thickness and area covered by the hair. Laser hair removal Toronto works best for pale-skinned people with dark hair. It is normally used for removing hair on the upper lips, bikini line and armpits though it can be used on all body parts. Laser removal is painless though you will need a few follow up sessions to keep the hair from growing back.

Intense Pulsed Light {IPL}

This works like laser hair removal Toronto but uses higher wavelengths to kill targeted hair roots. A low IPL dose is continuously shot into a targeted hair follicle to decompose and shrink it thus obstructing hair growth. Though considered more painful than laser treatment, IPL now employs cooling systems that will numb the target area and make the procedure largely painless.


This removes unwanted hair using tiny current pulses directed into your target hair follicles. It permanently gets rid of unwanted hair and can be used in all skin and hair pigmentations. An electrolysis session will take approximately 45 minutes though you need touch-ups that last 15-20 minutes.

Razors and shaving creams are inconvenient and sometimes ineffective. The above techniques guarantee that unwanted hair will not be an issue for you. Thankfully, they are virtually free of side effects provided an expert handles them.
