Laser Hair Removal

Who is best suited for Laser Hair Removal Toronto?

Laser hair removal is the leading preferred method of getting rid of unwanted hair from various parts of the body for both men and especially women. The painless and non-invasive cosmetic procedure uses laser, targeting and destroys hair follicles. This results in long-term hair reduction. Additionally, the hair that grows after laser hair removal is softer and sparser. While laser hair removal can be effective for most people, it is unsuitable for everyone. This article will discuss who is best suited to use laser hair removal Toronto and why.

  1. Individuals with light skin and dark hair are the ideal candidates for laser hair removal. The reason being the laser targets the pigment in the hair follicle, so the darker the hair, the more effective the treatment. On the other hand, individuals with blonde, grey, or white hair may not see significant results from laser hair removal.
  2. Laser hair removal provides long-lasting results for those who want long-lasting results, with many individuals experiencing permanent hair reduction after several sessions. If you are tired of constantly shaving, waxing, or using depilatory creams, laser hair removal may be an ideal solution for you.
  3. People with specific hair types. Laser hair removal Toronto works best on individuals with coarse, thick hair. Fine or thin hair may not respond well to treatment. Additionally, the hair should be darker than the surrounding skin to ensure that the laser targets the hair follicle and not the skin.
  4. Anyone who want to save time and money. While laser hair removal is pricy than other hair removal methods in the short term, it saves time and money in the end. You won’t need to spend money on razors, shaving cream, or waxing appointments, and you’ll save time by not having to shave or wax regularly.
  5. Individuals who are willing to commit to multiple sessions to achieve the best results from laser hair removal, you will need to commit to several sessions. Typically, sessions are spaced several weeks apart, and it can take several months to see significant hair reduction. If you are willing to commit to multiple sessions, laser hair removal may be a good option for you.
  6. For those who want to avoid ingrown hairs and razor burns, laser hair removal may be an ideal solution for you if you are prone to ingrown hairs or razor burns from shaving. Since the laser targets the hair follicle and not the skin, there is less chance of developing ingrown hairs or razor burn.

Laser hair removal is a suitable and effective method of hair removal for many individuals. However, it is imperative to note that not everyone is a good candidate for this treatment, If you are considering laser hair removal Toronto, it is best to consult with a licensed practitioner to determine if this treatment is right for you. If yes you can book your multiple sessions to start enjoying the hair free life, and if not the practitioner can help you choose a more suitable hair treatment method.

Hair Loss Treatment, Laser Hair Removal

Hair Loss Clinic Toronto: Hair loss in Women

If you notice that your hair is widening, or you are shedding more than 125 hair pieces per day, or you have bald spots, then you are likely experiencing hair loss and need to visit a hair loss clinic Toronto immediately. There are various types of hair loss and their causes. While there is very little you can do about hair loss, visiting a dermatologist early on might salvage your hair situation.

What is Hair Loss in Women?

This is the sudden occurrence of heavy hair loss. On the regular, an average human loses between 50 and 100 strands of hair per day. Natural hair loss is normal and serves to strike a balance between the hairs that are growing and the hairs lost. Hair loss occurs when more hair is lost than that which is growing. The medical term for hair loss is alopecia.

Cycles of Hair Growth

Hair goes through various growth cycles. These include;

Anagen Phase: Also known as the growing phase, lasts between 2 and 8 years. It is responsible for 85% of the hair in your head.

Catagen Phase: Also known as the transition phase, this is the period when the hair follicles shrink. It lasts between two to three weeks.

Telogen Phase: Also known as the resting phase, this lasts between two to four months, after which the hair falls out.

Is Hair Loss in Women Rampant?

A majority of people assume that hair loss only happens in men. However, at least 50% of women suffer from noticeable hair loss and require hair loss clinic Toronto services. The most common cause of hair loss in women is FPHL (Female Pattern Hair Loss) and affects one-third of women.

The type of treatment you receive from the hair loss clinic Toronto mainly depends on the cause of the hair loss. Common causes include; vitamin D deficiency, restrictive diets, hairstyle, over-processed scalp, and dieting that causes rapid weight loss.

Laser Hair Removal

Tips for Pain-Free Hair Removal Toronto

Laser hair removal has many advantages over other hair removal methods, which is why most people choose it. Similar to other long-term hair removal methods, laser hair removal is a tad painful. Luckily there are measures you can take to ensure you get a pain-free hair removal Toronto session.

Use a Pain reliever ahead of your appointment.

Using an over-the-counter pain reliever significantly reduces pain levels and the discomfort that comes with laser hair removal. If you are unsure or have pre-existing medical conditions, ensure to talk to your doctor for a prescription.

Ensure Proper Hydration

Drinking water is important as it ensures that all your cells have enough water to operate optimally. Drinking enough water also flushes out your system, including elements that cause excess pain. Since caffeine is well known for causing pain and discomfort, avoid consuming loaded drinks such as coffee, sodas, and energy drinks ahead of your appointment.

Do not Schedule an Appointment Around your Menses.

Different people have different pain tolerance levels. This is why you should always research how to get pain-free hair removal Toronto. Around your menses, the pain receptors are most active. That means anything that would not feel painful on the regular will feel extremely uncomfortable. Additionally, PMS are not a good idea to combine with the side effects of laser hair removal. For better pain management, go for laser hair removal a few days after your period.

Shave ahead of your Appointments

Always shave ahead of your laser hair removal. While this sounds counter-productive, it is mostly discouraged if you are going for waxing. As for laser, shaving excess hair ensures that the laser effectively reaches the roots more effectively and minimizes negative side effects.

While you can have a pain-free hair removal Toronto, there are some side effects that are expected. These include red bumps, irritation, and temporary change to the skin pigmentation.

Laser Hair Removal

Answers to Questions on Shedding After Laser Hair Removal Mississauga

Before investing in laser hair removal, it is best to have all the facts on this life-changing treatment. During your research, you will come across shedding after the session. Laser hair removal Mississauga targets the pigments of hair follicles that are in the active growth phase. 1-3 weeks after the treatment, you will have something looking like blackheads or stubble. This is what you will shed after laser removal. Below are tidbits on shedding.

Can you speed shedding?

Yes. If you notice shedding after laser hair removal Mississauga, this is nothing to worry about. If you want to speed the process, you can gently exfoliate the skin using a shower loofah or scrub. Exfoliate twice or thrice weekly, depending on the sensitivity of your skin.

Can you also remove your hair during shedding?

Yes. Laser hair removal does not get rid of all your hair at once. If you notice that there is some hair remaining after the session, you can go for multiple sessions in the future to completely get rid of the hair. While waiting for your next laser removal session, shave the hair. Waxing or plucking it leaves you with sore skin.

Is there something else to do to accelerate the results of laser hair removal?

Yes. Other than accelerating the shedding after laser hair removal Mississauga, there are other ways to hasten the results of your treatment. Shave at least a day before your procedure, and do not pick on the treated area afterwards. This minimizes the hair on the treated area and infections that prolong the healing process.

With your questions on shedding after laser hair removal, you know what to expect after the procedure and the best ways to guarantee optimal results. Several beauty centers are offering the treatment nowadays. However, to avoid untoward side effects, settle on a place with certified therapists to handle the treatment.

Hair Restoration, Laser Hair Removal

Causes of Hair Loss in Men That Need Hair Loss Treatment Toronto

People assume that hair loss is an issue that only affects women. Though more noticeable in women, men also suffer various degrees of hair loss that leave them feeling like they have lost pieces of their identities. For them, hair loss treatment Toronto is as important as it is in women. Before starting on the treatment, however, a dermatologist will conduct different tests to assess the cause of your hair loss and handle it appropriately. Below are the common causes the dermatologist might be considering.

Hormonal imbalance

Testosterone is responsible for muscular growth, sex drive, and deep voices in men. When the body converts testosterone into the less useful DHT {di-hydrotestosterone}, this causes a hormonal imbalance. DHT will attack the hair follicles and cause hair loss or thinning, effects that will call for hair loss treatment Toronto after balancing the hormones.


If you have been under significant pressure at home or work, you can also experience hair loss. Excessive emotional or physical stress will cause the ceasing of hair growth, which will be followed by the falling out of hair 2-3 months later. Though hair loss, in this case, is temporary, it is essential to manage it because, in most cases, it will not re-grow.

Thyroid issues

Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism cause a speedy conversion of testosterone to DHT. This causes the same effects as the hormonal imbalance in males. Even when undergoing treatment for these thyroid issues, you are not immune to the hair loss associated with the condition. As such, you can continue hair loss treatment Toronto while undergoing the management of thyroid conditions.

If you are experiencing any of these issues, you do not have to deal with hair loss as well. Visit a certified dermatologist to assess your hair loss and the underlying issues causing it. This way, the treatment can be customized to your needs so that the chances of hair regeneration are maximized.

Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal Toronto: Post Care Tips

Laser hair removal Toronto sends waves of effective and safe laser energy down to the core of your hair follicles. The heat impacts the natural growth cycle of the hair follicles, and it only takes a couple of weeks for the hairs to fall off by themselves. The next round of hair growth is thinner, finer, and lighter, making your laser hair removal session shorter and more enjoyable. That said, what post-care tips should you apply for faster recovery?

Redness and Bumps

This side effect is normal and common after a laser hair removal session and might last for up to two hours or longer. The area feels sour for a few hours, similar to what a sunburn feels like. To minimize this feeling, apply cold compresses. If there is crusting on the area, use a cream antibiotic. Note that if your skin is dark, your symptoms may be more severe and may last longer. Keep using the above remedies until you feel better.

Exfoliation Speeds Up the Shedding Process

Between one week and one month of your laser hair removal Toronto, you may experience hair shedding, which may look like new hair growth. However, this is not a new eruption of fresh hair, but instead dead hair finding its way out of the hair follicle. You can speed up this process through exfoliation. You can exfoliate by washing gently with a washcloth, or by gently shaving the area clean.

Avoid Disturbing the Treated Area

Avoid scratching, picking, threading, waxing, or tweezing the treated area. Do not apply any other hair removal product or method except shaving throughout your laser hair removal sessions. This is because these methods affect the follicle’s structure, thus preventing laser treatment from achieving the best results possible.

Laser hair removal Toronto is one of the best ways you can reduce and control hair growth. You will start to enjoy hairlessness after six to nine sessions, depending on your hair type. Consistency in hair removal sessions is the fastest way to achieving permanent results.
