Hair Restoration

Toronto Hair Restoration: Understanding Hair Transplants

Like youth and good health, a lot of people take their hair for granted until they begin to lose it. For most people, a hair transplant is the best way to go about Toronto hair restoration. That way, the head looks fuller. If you are going bald or your hair is thinning, talk to your doctor about the surgery. However, here are the details you need to know:

What a transplant is

This is a type of Toronto hair restoration surgery where hair will be moved to fill an area with thinning or no hair. Transplants have been used since the 1950s, but the techniques have been changing with time. The surgeon will first clean the scalp and inject you with numbing medicine. From there, they pick any of two methods for the transplant. In the follicular unit strip surgery, they remove up to 10 inches of skin from the back of the head, divide it into grafts and then transplant it. With the follicular unit extraction, the surgeon will shave the back of the scalp and remove follicles one by one.


The two transplant procedures differ only in the first steps. The surgeon performs Toronto hair restoration by creating slits with a needle and then placing grafts in the specific holes. If the transplant is significant, expect it to take up to eight hours.


After the surgery, your scalp will be tender, and you may need to take medications. In some cases, the surgeon will recommend wearing bandages over the scalp for two days. Expect to take anti-inflammatory drugs for several days. Most people return to work five days after the operation.

About a month after your transplant, some of it will begin to fall out. When it does, new hair will start growing. Most people will have new hair within six months of the transplant.
