
How a Doctor Can Help with Women’s Hair Loss Treatment

It can be startling to leave your bathroom only to check it later to find loose hair strands. It is worse still when you realize that your ponytail is growing scrawnier by the day. A woman’s hair means a lot to them and contributes to their confidence. Not only that, there is research to suggest that even men look at the health of a woman’s hair to decide whether they are a suitable mate, thanks to biology. While all this is true, by the time you hit 50, you will probably have to deal with hair loss; most women do. No wonder there is so much talk about women’s hair loss treatment options. However, you do not have to accept thinning hair just because the process is natural. Here are three ways your doctor can help you:

Hormone therapy

Hormone therapy will involve adding the levels of progestin and estrogen in your body. Typically, the female body has these hormones although they reduce with age. Women who are predisposed to hair loss or those on birth control pills are likely to need hormone therapy if they will keep their hair from thinning. The procedure becomes even more necessary at menopause.

Blood work

One of the most common women’s hair loss treatment is routine blood work. The doctor keeps checking your blood to see the amount of ferritin and vitamin D. Low levels have been connected with hair loss and so the doctor recommends a simple dietary or supplement fix to the problem.

Cortisone shots

Cortisone is a medication that reduces inflammation. Getting a cortisone shot may be painful compared to other women’s hair loss treatment options but it works to reduce hair thinning by lowering hormonal activity in the scalp. Physicians commonly use triamcinolone acetonide as the drug of choice.

Note that there are different types of hair loss. You want to inquire from your physician whether the treatment you prefer is suited for your type. You do not want to use a gun to kill a mosquito.
