Hair Restoration

Toronto Hair Restoration: Hair Healthy Habits you should observe

If you are experiencing hair breakage or hair thinning either from your daily hair care habits, underlying health conditions, or factors beyond your control, it is time to switch things up. Good hair starts with good hair care habits. On top of visiting a clinic for Toronto Hair restoration, avoid unhealthy, dry, and dull hair using the following tips.

Use a Good Shampoo

If you want to have healthy hair all through, ensure that you use a sulfate-free shampoo to wash your hair at least every other day. Sulfate are a common ingredient in many shampoos and cleaning agents. They weaken the hair follicle causing thinning and breakage. If your hair is coloured, avoid sulphates completely as it pulls colour from the strands. Sulphate free shampoos thoroughly clean your hair and create a perfect environment for hair growth.

Avoid Heat where possible.

Everyone loves hot styling tools for the results they give your hair. However, if you want to avoid split ends, avoid flat irons, hot rollers, and blow driers several days a week. The high temperatures damage the hair causing dry, dull, and easily breakable strands. When you can’t do without the heating tools, go in with a heat protection spray first.

Protect your Hair from the Sun

The sun is harmful to your hair as it is to your skin. Besides fading coloured hair, it also dries out the hair making it brittle and easily breakable. Invest in a good straw hat to support hair Toronto hair restoration treatment. If you will have prolonged exposure to the sun, slather a good conditioner, and hold the hair in a loose bun. This gives you the deep treatment that your hair needs while protecting it from the sun.

Toronto hair restoration is a dream come true for anyone who is experiencing hair loss. Combine it with the above tips and recover a head full of hair within no time.

Hair Restoration

Hair Restoration Toronto: Hair Transplant Timeline

A hair transplant is the only permanent way of reversing hair loss. However, a hair transplant is not a quick-fix solution for hair restoration Toronto, as it can take a year to have the desired results. After a hair transplant, following all the aftercare and recovery guidelines is essential to guarantee results. This blog highlights what to expect at various stages of a hair transplant.

Seven days post-transplant

This is a healing time for both the donor and the recipient. The areas will remain bandaged and are expected to have a level of pain and itchiness. Ensure to strictly follow the aftercare instructions to avoid infections. Use over-the-counter medication, and do not wash your hair until instructed.

Two weeks post-transplant

The healing process will still be underway, with a degree of redness and itchiness due to scabbing. The scalp will be less irritable, and you can comfortably sleep in any position. At this time, the recipient area might be experiencing hair shedding, which is a normal process. You can soak the head in the bath for scabs to soften and fall off, but do not pick them.

One month post-transplant

The recipient area will have lost hair and appear patchy, but this will correct within no time. The donor area will be experiencing hair restoration Toronto, with hair growing and covering the area.

Three months Post Transplant

New hairs will emerge, despite being wispy, thin, and transparent, due to a lack of proper maturity. Your new hair will grow slowly and transform from the appearance of body hair to thick, strong, and fuller hair. At this time, transplant hair will continue to shed.

Throughout the stages, ensure you are still attending all Toronto hair restoration appointments. Your doctor will assess whether you need more transplants for better results.

Hair Restoration

Hair Restoration Toronto: Types of Foods Suitable for Hair Growth

A fun fact, a normal human being’s hair grows 0.5 inches per month and 5.9 inches per year. How fast you achieve these thresholds depends on factors such as genetics, diet, health, and age. While you have no control over genetics and age, you have control over your health and the nutrients that you get. That said, after hair restoration Toronto, here are food types you can use to boost your hair growth.


Eggs contain plenty of proteins and biotin proteins that promote hair growth. Biotin is responsible for the production of keratin, a supplement that is highly recognized for hair growth. However, according to research, it is unlikely to experience a biotin deficiency if you consistently eat a balanced diet. Similarly, no evidence shows that consuming more biotin in healthy people leads to more hair growth.


These contain plenty of nutrients and compounds that come in handy during your hair restoration Toronto journey. They are rich in vitamin C, which contains antioxidants. These antioxidants protect your hair follicles from damage by free radicals. Additionally, berries have plenty of collagen, a protein that helps keep the hair strong and free from breakage.


By now, you must have seen hair products that list avocado as part of their ingredients. This is because avocado contains vitamin E, which is essential for hair growth. Besides neutralizing free radicals, vitamin E protects the scalp and the skin from damage and oxidative stress. Stressed and damaged skin will produce few and poor-quality hair follicles leading to hair thinning and eventual baldness. Avocados also contain fatty acids that are important for cell formation and maintenance.

Hair is an essential part of the human body, and any loss is met with grief and anguish; luckily, hair restoration Toronto has you covered to ensure your head is full again. By adding proper nutrition to your hair journey, your results will be better and long-lasting.

Hair Restoration, Laser Hair Removal

Causes of Hair Loss in Men That Need Hair Loss Treatment Toronto

People assume that hair loss is an issue that only affects women. Though more noticeable in women, men also suffer various degrees of hair loss that leave them feeling like they have lost pieces of their identities. For them, hair loss treatment Toronto is as important as it is in women. Before starting on the treatment, however, a dermatologist will conduct different tests to assess the cause of your hair loss and handle it appropriately. Below are the common causes the dermatologist might be considering.

Hormonal imbalance

Testosterone is responsible for muscular growth, sex drive, and deep voices in men. When the body converts testosterone into the less useful DHT {di-hydrotestosterone}, this causes a hormonal imbalance. DHT will attack the hair follicles and cause hair loss or thinning, effects that will call for hair loss treatment Toronto after balancing the hormones.


If you have been under significant pressure at home or work, you can also experience hair loss. Excessive emotional or physical stress will cause the ceasing of hair growth, which will be followed by the falling out of hair 2-3 months later. Though hair loss, in this case, is temporary, it is essential to manage it because, in most cases, it will not re-grow.

Thyroid issues

Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism cause a speedy conversion of testosterone to DHT. This causes the same effects as the hormonal imbalance in males. Even when undergoing treatment for these thyroid issues, you are not immune to the hair loss associated with the condition. As such, you can continue hair loss treatment Toronto while undergoing the management of thyroid conditions.

If you are experiencing any of these issues, you do not have to deal with hair loss as well. Visit a certified dermatologist to assess your hair loss and the underlying issues causing it. This way, the treatment can be customized to your needs so that the chances of hair regeneration are maximized.

Hair Restoration

Hair Restoration In Toronto: Tips For Post-Operative Care

Losing hair can be a huge blow for most people. The idea of watching their hair thin down could be scary, but the fact that hair restoration exists is a light at the end of the tunnel. Restoration can help you gain back the lost hair and retain your current one. With the right care tips, you can also enjoy watching your hair grow even more than normal. Here are three tips to follow once you do hair restoration in Toronto:

Keep The Affected Area Moist

Keeping the area where the procedure was performed moist can help your skin heal fast. It could also be effective in reducing the chances that you will experience any irritation. Your doctor will suggest solutions to use to keep the area moist. For instance, you might need to soothe the area with copper peptides.

Keep Away From Exercise

While you might want to maintain your exercise routine, you should avoid it for the first few days following hair restoration in Toronto. Vigorous exercise will promote scalp pain. You could also experience the swelling of your face. If you still want to hit the gym, consult your doctor. He should give you the go-ahead for less-intensive exercises.

Feed Your Hair Follicle

Your hair needs ample care to keep growing after hair restoration in Toronto. You ought to start using products that will promote hair growth. For instance, you can use products that improve blood vessel dilation and nutrient delivery to the hair follicles that were transplanted. There are shampoos and hair products that are designed to improve the health of restored hair. However, picking the ideal ones will depend on how well you understand your hair, from its density to its curl patterns.

Your hair deserves to grow normally, and paying for hair restoration can help. The rest will depend on how well you take care of your hair. Feel free to consult your doctor whenever you are choosing hair products for optimal post-procedure recovery and hair growth.

Business, Hair Restoration

Common Issues Considered In Natural Hair Loss Treatment for Women Who Have Lost Weight

Women struggle with weight issues owing to hormone changes, pregnancy, and childbirth. Moreover, they are more conscious about their appearance than men. As such, most weight loss alternatives are focused on them. While losing weight is undoubtedly something to celebrate, some women are left fighting hair loss after they shed weight. Natural hair loss treatment for women, and also men, that have undergone weight loss thus focuses on the causes of the loss to boost its efficacy. The following are the typical issues linked to hair loss when you lose weight.

Nutrition Deficiency

When aiming to lose weight, there are several foods you will exclude from your diet. Some of these exclusions result in protein and calorie deficiencies. Proteins and calories are essential for the health of your hair follicles. Experts might thus recommend consuming high-calorie and protein foods and supplements to invigorate your hair follicles during natural hair loss treatment for women.

Emotional and Physical Stress

Weight loss is, at times, associated with significant emotional and physical stress. This is especially so when the weight loss is unintended such as happens because of disease. This stress affects the functioning of your body and your dietary habits. These, in turn, weaken your hair follicles and lead to hair loss or thinning.

Hormone Changes

Nowadays, several weight loss supplements might change your hormonal balance. The hormone changes, in most cases, cause the thinning of your hair. Changes in androgen levels, for instance, cause thinning of your head hair and coarse facial hair.

Several hair loss treatments now exist on the market. Natural hair loss treatment for women who have lost weight for any reason, however, focuses on the primary causative element of the hair loss. In so doing, you not only have healthy and beautiful hair but will also boost your overall health.

Hair Restoration

Scalp Care Tips for Maintaining Healthy Hair after Hair Restoration Toronto

Dealing with hair loss is quite distressing to deal with, and its successful management is something you look forward to. After getting the right natural treatments for hair restoration Toronto, however, you should pick a healthy hair care routine to maintain your hair. Most people will only focus on their hair in the routine and forget about the scalp. Even so, scalp conditions are among the leading causes of hair loss in men and women. The following are some scalp care tips that keep your hair shiny and healthy.

Massage the Scalp

Scalp massages help to boost blood circulation to your scalp and nourish the roots of your hair. They also evenly spread the oil on the scalp to keep your hair well-hydrated and looking vibrant. If your scalp is, however, dry and flaky, get your doctor to recommend the best oils and conditioners to use to keep your scalp moisturized and deliver the minerals essential for scalp health.

Protect Your Scalp

Keeping your scalp protected from the harsh effects of environmental elements is essential for the maintenance of healthy hair. Invest in scarfs and hats to cover your head when out in the sun or dust. This is because the sun rays and dust will dry out your scalp and leave your hair dry and brittle, thus easily breakable.

Limit Chemical Treatments

Most chemicals used to straighten or color your hair are applied to the scalp. After hair restoration Toronto, these chemicals will often permanently damage your hair roots and thin out the hair. Limit the use of chemicals on your scalp and have any hair care products prescribed by an expert.

It takes some time and sacrifice for you to get optimal results in hair restoration Toronto treatments. Without the above scalp care approaches, the time and cash you have spent to get healthy hair will be washed down. Scalp care is thus worth adding to your hair care routine.

Hair Restoration

Healthy Habits to Complement Low-Level Laser Hair Loss Treatment Toronto

Hair loss in women generally follows stressful life events like pregnancy, chemotherapy, and malnutrition. Hair loss is also a natural effect of aging since your growth hormones will start declining at thirty years and cause your hair follicles to thin and shorten. Thankfully there are now several options for hair loss treatment Toronto. One of the best nonetheless lies in LLLT {low-level laser therapy}. This non-invasive procedure painlessly accelerates your blood circulation and stimulates your hair follicles to restore your hair naturally. The following are some healthy habits you should adopt to complement this hair loss treatment.

Switch to Natural Hair Products

Several hair care products exist nowadays. When undergoing LLLT, however, you should ideally use natural hair products. This will reduce the damage caused to your hair by chemical-based products and allow your natural hair to soak up all the benefits of the treatment.

Deep Condition Weekly

It would help if you incorporated a deep conditioner into your hair care routine at least once weekly. This boosts the hydration of your hair and strengthens it. Some hair loss treatment Toronto centers have conditioners that will also relieve itchy scalps and rebalance your scalp’s PH. In so doing, your scalp is stimulated to hasten hair re-growth.

Scalp Massages

Scalp massages will oxygenate your scalp and promote the re-growth of healthy hair. You should massage the scalp for 2-3 minutes when shampooing. Massaging with a moisturizer for 5-10 minutes at least weekly will also stimulate your scalp and contribute to the growth of healthy hair.

LLLT has undoubtedly changed modern hair loss treatment Toronto. It, however, will only do so much if it is not handled by a knowledgeable service provider ay the best clinic. A reputable clinic and the right expert, coupled with the above healthy habits, are sure to leave you with a healthy mane within the shortest possible time.

Business, Hair Restoration

Types of DHT Inhibitors in Hair Restoration Toronto Shampoos

Imbalance of sex hormones is the leading underlying cause of hair loss in both men and women. The prevalent kind of hair loss, in this case, is androgenic alopecia. An androgen denotes a sex hormone responsible for the development of male sexual characteristics like body hair. DHT {dihydrotesterone}, the most common androgen, nonetheless also causes the premature and fast loss of hair when present in excess amounts. To this end, most hair restoration Toronto shampoos contain DHT inhibitors to avert the blocking of the hormone to hair follicles. The following are a few of these inhibitors.


This is meant for the control of fungal infections and the prevention of prevalent skin ailments. When used in hair restoration Toronto products, ketoconazole will control hair loss and dandruff. Its primary benefit for managing hair loss is disrupting the DHT pathway. In so doing, it stops the damage of your hair follicles by DHT.

Salicylic Acid

This is a naturally occurring substance that reduces the sebum level on your scalp. This, in turn, reduces the buildup of DHT over time. This is because sebum contains considerable amounts of DHT. Other than lowering DHT, salicylic acid will prevent dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis.

Saw Palmetto Extract

This is a natural extract of a subtropical fruit. It reduces DHT levels by about half and is the best choice for those looking for a natural solution for their hair loss. It nonetheless might interact with other DHT blockers and become ineffective.

There are many shampoo brands currently for treating hair loss. For men and women whose issue has been attributed to high DHT levels, the above ingredients are essential in the product they pick. Before recommending one for you, hair restoration Toronto experts will conduct several tests. These determine the levels of DHT present on your scalp to ensure the levels are not excessively reduced.

Business, Hair Restoration

Laser Hair Removal Toronto Clinic Options for Permanent Hair Eradication

The number of people looking for hair removal alternatives has shot up in the recent past. Most are nonetheless not as intent on solutions that will need them to come in every so often to get rid of their unwanted hair. Permanent solutions in the form of IPL, electrolysis and laser hair removal Toronto have now become the leading alternatives for both men and women keen on getting rid of unwanted hair. Here are a few tidbits to better your comprehension of these permanent hair removal techniques.

Laser Removal

This uses laser light to get rid of unwanted hair in about 4-6 sessions spaced 4-6 weeks apart depending on the thickness and area covered by the hair. Laser hair removal Toronto works best for pale-skinned people with dark hair. It is normally used for removing hair on the upper lips, bikini line and armpits though it can be used on all body parts. Laser removal is painless though you will need a few follow up sessions to keep the hair from growing back.

Intense Pulsed Light {IPL}

This works like laser hair removal Toronto but uses higher wavelengths to kill targeted hair roots. A low IPL dose is continuously shot into a targeted hair follicle to decompose and shrink it thus obstructing hair growth. Though considered more painful than laser treatment, IPL now employs cooling systems that will numb the target area and make the procedure largely painless.


This removes unwanted hair using tiny current pulses directed into your target hair follicles. It permanently gets rid of unwanted hair and can be used in all skin and hair pigmentations. An electrolysis session will take approximately 45 minutes though you need touch-ups that last 15-20 minutes.

Razors and shaving creams are inconvenient and sometimes ineffective. The above techniques guarantee that unwanted hair will not be an issue for you. Thankfully, they are virtually free of side effects provided an expert handles them.
