Hair Loss Treatment

Psychological Issues Associated With Baldness without Hair Loss Treatment Toronto

Hair loss has multiple causes including medications, scalp infections, an underactive thyroid, hormonal changes and mental stress. Most people forego hair loss treatment Toronto when battling balding because they see no physical conditions associated with it and assume it is harmless. Even so, researchers have linked untreated hair loss to a range of psychological issues. Here are a few of these issues.

Decreased self-esteem

Hair loss, more so in women, is quite devastating because most societies pin beauty on healthy hair. With the pressure to look good and reach certain beauty standards, thanks to the pressure on social media platforms, your self-esteem can take a beating without beautiful hair. Many people who do not consider their options for hair loss treatment Toronto start isolating themselves from family and friends because they believe they do not look ‘’good enough’’.

Anxiety disorder

The isolation that comes with decreased self-esteem along with the constant worry of how society views you when dealing with hair loss can make you anxious. This is linked with excess worrying, difficulty in controlling anxiety, and overall heightened tension. Some people experience increased heartbeat and sweating. These are all pointers to an anxiety disorder.


Most people become depressed when they lose their hair since they think they cannot do much about it and their efforts at treatment are ineffective. This is evidenced by low moods, loss of energy, sleep deprivation and a general lack of interest in activities. Depression has been shown to worsen diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease asthma and arthritis, meaning it can be life-threatening.

You might think that hair loss treatment Toronto is a cosmetic option that you can do without. With the above psychological issues that have a significant impact on your physical health, treatment for balding is as important as that for other medical conditions. Thankfully, the treatment is not as expensive as what it will cost to manage the issues associated with hair loss.
