
Three Situations When You Should Not Laser Hair Mississauga

Laser hair removal has become popular and with good reason too. The procedure can help to get rid of unwanted hair, fast, painlessly, and the results last considerably. However, while it is very effective as a practice, it is not always right. There are situations that can make it dangerous for you to laser hair Mississauga. They include:

If you have a tattoo on the area you want to treat

Do not go on with laser hair treatment if you have a tattoo in the area you are looking to treat. The dark tattoo pigment absorbs the heat of the laser instead. Consequently, your natural skin gets nasty burns on the surface. In most cases, this will lead to scarring that is permanent.

If the laser is not approved by the FDA

There are lasers on the market that have not been approved by the FDA. This means that they are not guaranteed to be safe for use. As a rule, ask your practitioner the type of laser they will be using. Through the FDA website, make sure that it is listed in the database alongside others that have been approved to laser hair Mississauga.

If you are not able to have a patch test

It is vital that you take the time to have a patch test done. This test helps the practitioner access how you respond to the treatment. Secondly, you will know the pain level of the treatment. Most clinics carry out this test to help your decision be informed. If you go to a practitioner who does not offer to laser hair Mississauga in a patch test, do not go ahead with treatment.

You may also resist from going for laser hair treatment if you want 100% results. The efficacy of the procedure has been proven, but it is not everyone that responds the same. It pays to walk into the clinic knowing that you are taking a calculated gamble.
