
Hair Loss Treatment Toronto: What are the Major Causes of Hair Loss?

Hair is a sensitive part of natural human beauty. This is because it is made from a cluster of dead cells, making them hard to repair if they are damaged. Luckily hair loss treatment Toronto is possible depending on the cause. That said, here are major causes of hair damage that you should watch out for.

Unprofessional Hair Dye

Whether you want to cover the upcoming grey hairs or are experimenting with the bright and wild pastel and mermaid, DIY dye can have adverse effects on the health of your hair. The chemicals in the dye can make your hair dry, brittle, and coarse to the touch. To prevent further dye-related damage, go for natural shades, and take time between touch-ups. Avoid washing your hair as frequently as before, and use shampoos and conditions specially made for dyed hair.

Damage from Bleach

There is never a safe ground with bleach. It does not matter how little or how much time you allow your hair between bleaches; your hair will still suffer a certain degree of hair damage. If you must bleach, moisturize your hair more frequently and avoid other hair damaging habits such as styling and heat treatment for a few weeks. Use almond oil and rice water rinse to control hair damage from bleach.

Heat Styling

This is the major reason people require hair loss treatment Toronto. Hairstyling heats hair fibers resulting in porous hair and raised cuticles. Using too much heat too often makes your hair susceptible to damage. To prevent this damage, do not use heat treatments more than once a week. To treat heat-damaged hair, apply coconut oil.

Hair loss treatment Toronto comes in handy for anyone suffering from hair loss regardless of the cause. Avoid the above factors that might accelerate your already receding hairline. Use essential oils and protective styles to prevent further damage to your hair.


Laser Hair Mississauga: Care and Treatment for Ingrown Hair

Ingrown hair is a common occurrence across people of all ages. It happens when a strand of hair grows back into your skin instead of coming out to the surface. This mostly occurs when the hair has been plucked, waxed, or shaved. To avoid ingrown hairs, you should consider switching to laser hair Mississauga removal method. It would help if you treated your ingrown hairs first before starting your laser hair removal sessions. Here is how.

Stop Hair Removal in the area

Any form of hair removal around an ingrown hair is not advisable until the ingrown hair completely disappears. Continuing to wax, shave, or pluck hair will further aggravate the affected area causing you discomfort. Additionally, picking or scratching the area will not only make your skin sensitive but might also cause a skin infection and a permanent scar on the area.

Gently Pull out the Hair

When the ingrown hair comes out on the skin surface, gently and carefully pull it out. You can use a needle or a pair of sterile tweezers to do so. Do not pluck out the hair entirely until the affected area is completely healed. Failure to do so will see the skin surface healing over the hair, making it ingrown again. Do not break or dig into the skin as this only gives way for infections.

Remove Dead Skin

A gentle wash and frequent exfoliation around the ingrown hair will soften the skin and make it easy for the ingrown hair to come up to the skin surface. If this does not work, your consultant at laser hair Mississauga will recommend a drug that will slough off the dead skin faster. This will enable the hair to come out fast and the surrounding skin area to recover equally fast.

One of the best ways to avoid ingrown hairs is by opting for removal by laser hair Mississauga instead of other hair removal methods. Laser hair removal thins out the hair follicle with each treatment, making it hard for it to curl inwards to form an ingrown hair. Properly moisturize and take care of your skin for a healthy, glowing hair-free skin.

Business, Hair Restoration

Common Issues Considered In Natural Hair Loss Treatment for Women Who Have Lost Weight

Women struggle with weight issues owing to hormone changes, pregnancy, and childbirth. Moreover, they are more conscious about their appearance than men. As such, most weight loss alternatives are focused on them. While losing weight is undoubtedly something to celebrate, some women are left fighting hair loss after they shed weight. Natural hair loss treatment for women, and also men, that have undergone weight loss thus focuses on the causes of the loss to boost its efficacy. The following are the typical issues linked to hair loss when you lose weight.

Nutrition Deficiency

When aiming to lose weight, there are several foods you will exclude from your diet. Some of these exclusions result in protein and calorie deficiencies. Proteins and calories are essential for the health of your hair follicles. Experts might thus recommend consuming high-calorie and protein foods and supplements to invigorate your hair follicles during natural hair loss treatment for women.

Emotional and Physical Stress

Weight loss is, at times, associated with significant emotional and physical stress. This is especially so when the weight loss is unintended such as happens because of disease. This stress affects the functioning of your body and your dietary habits. These, in turn, weaken your hair follicles and lead to hair loss or thinning.

Hormone Changes

Nowadays, several weight loss supplements might change your hormonal balance. The hormone changes, in most cases, cause the thinning of your hair. Changes in androgen levels, for instance, cause thinning of your head hair and coarse facial hair.

Several hair loss treatments now exist on the market. Natural hair loss treatment for women who have lost weight for any reason, however, focuses on the primary causative element of the hair loss. In so doing, you not only have healthy and beautiful hair but will also boost your overall health.

Business, Hair Restoration

Types of DHT Inhibitors in Hair Restoration Toronto Shampoos

Imbalance of sex hormones is the leading underlying cause of hair loss in both men and women. The prevalent kind of hair loss, in this case, is androgenic alopecia. An androgen denotes a sex hormone responsible for the development of male sexual characteristics like body hair. DHT {dihydrotesterone}, the most common androgen, nonetheless also causes the premature and fast loss of hair when present in excess amounts. To this end, most hair restoration Toronto shampoos contain DHT inhibitors to avert the blocking of the hormone to hair follicles. The following are a few of these inhibitors.


This is meant for the control of fungal infections and the prevention of prevalent skin ailments. When used in hair restoration Toronto products, ketoconazole will control hair loss and dandruff. Its primary benefit for managing hair loss is disrupting the DHT pathway. In so doing, it stops the damage of your hair follicles by DHT.

Salicylic Acid

This is a naturally occurring substance that reduces the sebum level on your scalp. This, in turn, reduces the buildup of DHT over time. This is because sebum contains considerable amounts of DHT. Other than lowering DHT, salicylic acid will prevent dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis.

Saw Palmetto Extract

This is a natural extract of a subtropical fruit. It reduces DHT levels by about half and is the best choice for those looking for a natural solution for their hair loss. It nonetheless might interact with other DHT blockers and become ineffective.

There are many shampoo brands currently for treating hair loss. For men and women whose issue has been attributed to high DHT levels, the above ingredients are essential in the product they pick. Before recommending one for you, hair restoration Toronto experts will conduct several tests. These determine the levels of DHT present on your scalp to ensure the levels are not excessively reduced.

Business, Hair Restoration

Laser Hair Removal Toronto Clinic Options for Permanent Hair Eradication

The number of people looking for hair removal alternatives has shot up in the recent past. Most are nonetheless not as intent on solutions that will need them to come in every so often to get rid of their unwanted hair. Permanent solutions in the form of IPL, electrolysis and laser hair removal Toronto have now become the leading alternatives for both men and women keen on getting rid of unwanted hair. Here are a few tidbits to better your comprehension of these permanent hair removal techniques.

Laser Removal

This uses laser light to get rid of unwanted hair in about 4-6 sessions spaced 4-6 weeks apart depending on the thickness and area covered by the hair. Laser hair removal Toronto works best for pale-skinned people with dark hair. It is normally used for removing hair on the upper lips, bikini line and armpits though it can be used on all body parts. Laser removal is painless though you will need a few follow up sessions to keep the hair from growing back.

Intense Pulsed Light {IPL}

This works like laser hair removal Toronto but uses higher wavelengths to kill targeted hair roots. A low IPL dose is continuously shot into a targeted hair follicle to decompose and shrink it thus obstructing hair growth. Though considered more painful than laser treatment, IPL now employs cooling systems that will numb the target area and make the procedure largely painless.


This removes unwanted hair using tiny current pulses directed into your target hair follicles. It permanently gets rid of unwanted hair and can be used in all skin and hair pigmentations. An electrolysis session will take approximately 45 minutes though you need touch-ups that last 15-20 minutes.

Razors and shaving creams are inconvenient and sometimes ineffective. The above techniques guarantee that unwanted hair will not be an issue for you. Thankfully, they are virtually free of side effects provided an expert handles them.

Business, Hair Restoration

Laser Hair Clinic Mississauga: An Insight into the Common Types of Laser Hair Systems Utilized

Getting rid of unwanted hair permanently can be a daunting task, especially if the right techniques are not utilized. Fortunately, growth in technology has led to the advent of hair removal laser systems that can get rid of unwanted hair permanently. The different types of hair laser systems are suited for use on different parts of the body and varying skin tones. That said, below are some of the popular kinds of hair removal laser systems you may find at a laser hair clinic Mississauga.

Alexandrite Hair Removal Lasers

This laser has the reputation of being the fastest in the market. For example, the Alexandrite laser can get rid of hair in a large area such as your back in less than 30 minutes. Unfortunately, such speed comes at a cost to the patient in that it will cause some pain. It is important to note that newer machines have been made to improve the patient experience by having built-in cooling devices. The Alexandrite laser is ideal for people with olive to light skin tones.

Diode Hair Removal Lasers

In the case that you have dark skin and you want to get rid of coarse or thick hair, then you ought to visit a laser hair clinic Mississauga that utilizes the diode hair removal laser. This hair removal system operates at a longer wavelength of approximately 800-810nm, giving it the ability to penetrate deep into the follicles of your hair.

ND: YAG Hair Removal Laser

You will not only get rid of hair with the Nd: YAG laser system, but it can also be used to remove tattoos and resurface any skin that has been damaged by the sun. In the case this laser system is opted for at a laser hair clinic Mississauga, the attendant will first apply carbon lotion to your skin. The unwanted hair will then absorb the carbon making it a target for the laser from the Nd: YAG as it is made to go for carbon and not melanin. It targeting carbon also makes it ideal for all skin types.

Having the right hair laser system utilized will make the difference between you having a successful hair removal or not. You should also note that despite being well versed on the different laser hair removal systems, it is important that you leave it to the experts to advise you on the most suitable type for you.


How a Great Exercise Regime Can Improve Your Hair Restoration Toronto Success Rate

For most people, Exercising is a platform to become fit, lose weight, or even build specific parts of their body. Luckily, exercising has so much more to offer your hair health. With enough exercise, you can enjoy having your hair grow healthily, in great shape as well as becoming strong with time. It all trickles down to the exercise regime you commit to. Here is how a healthy exercise regime can improve hair growth, especially during hair restoration Toronto:

It Reduces Stress

Stress can be detrimental to your hair health and the success rate of your hair restoration Toronto. When stressed, the body produces hormone cortisol which makes it tough for hair to grow while also increasing the rate of hair loss. Luckily, exercising improves the production of hormone serotonin- the feel-good hormone- which not only inhibits the production of cortisol but also improve the health of your hair.

Improves the Nourishment of the Follicles

Just like the rest of the body, your hair also needs oxygen and food supply to grow. Luckily, exercising improves blood circulation in the body. The more the blood flow the better the nourishment of the hair follicles. In the process, your hair can get rejuvenated and grows stronger and healthier.

Cell Regeneration

Protein plays a pivotal role in hair growth. Other than helping to heal any impaired hair follicles, it also helps regenerate the dead cells. The same applies to the scalp, which helps to keep the hair follicles in place. Luckily, exercising healthily is a sure way to improve the metabolism of protein which further increases the regeneration of the hair and scalp cells.

While exercise promises the above benefits towards hair growth, too much of it will lead to the complete opposite. Other than lowering the effectiveness of your hair restoration Toronto, it will also increase the physical stress you expose your body to which further increases hair loss. Exercise moderately to get the above and more hair growth benefits from your exercise regime.


Differences between IPL Hair Removal Toronto and Laser Hair Removal

IPL hair removal Toronto and laser hair removal both work to reduce hair growth. They are similar in a lot of ways which is perhaps one of the main reasons people confuse them. They both prevent the regrowth of hair and can be used to reduce hair thickness. The two procedures also have very high success rates. They work on the same principle; a light energy is cast into high pigments and it damages them. However, there are significant differences between the two. Besides, the differences in patients may cause a difference in how each of them works and so you must decide which procedure will work best for you. The main differences between the two include:

The procedure

While the principle behind IPL hair removal Toronto and laser hair removal is the same, the light source used differs. IPL uses visible light from a broad spectrum while laser hair removal relies on a laser. In IPL hair removal, the light is meant to target specific structures. With lasers, the procedure allows the light to travel deep into the pore. Consequently, the blast is concentrated.

The results

Neither laser hair removal nor IPL hair removal Toronto gives you immediate results. Unlike treatments like threading, you will need more than one session to get a hair-free skin. The hairs die a while after the procedures. However, IPL leads to a permanent reduction in hair growth. Besides, the hair, in some cases, grows paler so that it is less obvious.

The uses

The broad light spectrum used in IPL devices allows them to be quick. It also means that the devices will have different uses. It can be used for patients will various skin conditions or varying complexions. The light can also be changed to match different hair types. Laser hair removal, on the other hand, is effective on darker skin.

The pigmentation in some skin areas, as well as things like moles and freckles, will impact light absorption. They should, therefore, help to determine which of the two procedures is fitting for you. Ultimately though, the treatment you pick is a personal choice.


Three Situations When You Should Not Laser Hair Mississauga

Laser hair removal has become popular and with good reason too. The procedure can help to get rid of unwanted hair, fast, painlessly, and the results last considerably. However, while it is very effective as a practice, it is not always right. There are situations that can make it dangerous for you to laser hair Mississauga. They include:

If you have a tattoo on the area you want to treat

Do not go on with laser hair treatment if you have a tattoo in the area you are looking to treat. The dark tattoo pigment absorbs the heat of the laser instead. Consequently, your natural skin gets nasty burns on the surface. In most cases, this will lead to scarring that is permanent.

If the laser is not approved by the FDA

There are lasers on the market that have not been approved by the FDA. This means that they are not guaranteed to be safe for use. As a rule, ask your practitioner the type of laser they will be using. Through the FDA website, make sure that it is listed in the database alongside others that have been approved to laser hair Mississauga.

If you are not able to have a patch test

It is vital that you take the time to have a patch test done. This test helps the practitioner access how you respond to the treatment. Secondly, you will know the pain level of the treatment. Most clinics carry out this test to help your decision be informed. If you go to a practitioner who does not offer to laser hair Mississauga in a patch test, do not go ahead with treatment.

You may also resist from going for laser hair treatment if you want 100% results. The efficacy of the procedure has been proven, but it is not everyone that responds the same. It pays to walk into the clinic knowing that you are taking a calculated gamble.


How a Doctor Can Help with Women’s Hair Loss Treatment

It can be startling to leave your bathroom only to check it later to find loose hair strands. It is worse still when you realize that your ponytail is growing scrawnier by the day. A woman’s hair means a lot to them and contributes to their confidence. Not only that, there is research to suggest that even men look at the health of a woman’s hair to decide whether they are a suitable mate, thanks to biology. While all this is true, by the time you hit 50, you will probably have to deal with hair loss; most women do. No wonder there is so much talk about women’s hair loss treatment options. However, you do not have to accept thinning hair just because the process is natural. Here are three ways your doctor can help you:

Hormone therapy

Hormone therapy will involve adding the levels of progestin and estrogen in your body. Typically, the female body has these hormones although they reduce with age. Women who are predisposed to hair loss or those on birth control pills are likely to need hormone therapy if they will keep their hair from thinning. The procedure becomes even more necessary at menopause.

Blood work

One of the most common women’s hair loss treatment is routine blood work. The doctor keeps checking your blood to see the amount of ferritin and vitamin D. Low levels have been connected with hair loss and so the doctor recommends a simple dietary or supplement fix to the problem.

Cortisone shots

Cortisone is a medication that reduces inflammation. Getting a cortisone shot may be painful compared to other women’s hair loss treatment options but it works to reduce hair thinning by lowering hormonal activity in the scalp. Physicians commonly use triamcinolone acetonide as the drug of choice.

Note that there are different types of hair loss. You want to inquire from your physician whether the treatment you prefer is suited for your type. You do not want to use a gun to kill a mosquito.
