
Hair Restoration Toronto: Types of Hair Loss

On average, an adult has between 100 000 and 150 000 hairs. They lose up to 100 strands every day. However, an increase in hair fall could be something to concern you. You would notice more hair in your brush or an unusual amount coming out when touched. It is vital to identify the causes of hair loss so that you can establish whether you need to go for hair restoration Toronto. Sometimes the underlying reasons can be genetic and occasionally environmental. Here are three common types;

Telogen effluvium

Hair has a growth cycle. It keeps growing for up to six years after which it falls and is replaced by telogen hair during the resting stage. Hair will rest for about three months before it starts growing again. At any one point, about 15% of your hair is at the resting stage. Telogen effluvium increases the hair at that stage making your hair thin. It is caused by stress and will not need hair restoration Toronto; just a less stressful lifestyle.

Alopecia areata

This is a disease that causes hair loss in all parts of the body and sometimes bald spots. The body stops recognizing its cells, and so the immune system treats hair like a virus, attacking it. While the cause of this disease is not known, families with a history of the same are more prone. Hair restoration Toronto for the same will rely on treatments like ciclosporin, minoxidil, and dithranol.

Involutional alopecia

This is when age causes your hair to thin and appear shorter. The resting stage of the hair becomes longer and takes more than 15% of your hair. This hair loss type can only be remedied with proper diets, rich in minerals and vitamins.

Hair loss causes within our control can be managed. In addition to eating healthy, be wary of the products you use. Women should also stay away from practices such as hot curlers and tight braiding. For more information check here.
