Hair Loss Treatment, Laser Hair Removal

Hair Loss Clinic Toronto: Hair loss in Women

If you notice that your hair is widening, or you are shedding more than 125 hair pieces per day, or you have bald spots, then you are likely experiencing hair loss and need to visit a hair loss clinic Toronto immediately. There are various types of hair loss and their causes. While there is very little you can do about hair loss, visiting a dermatologist early on might salvage your hair situation.

What is Hair Loss in Women?

This is the sudden occurrence of heavy hair loss. On the regular, an average human loses between 50 and 100 strands of hair per day. Natural hair loss is normal and serves to strike a balance between the hairs that are growing and the hairs lost. Hair loss occurs when more hair is lost than that which is growing. The medical term for hair loss is alopecia.

Cycles of Hair Growth

Hair goes through various growth cycles. These include;

Anagen Phase: Also known as the growing phase, lasts between 2 and 8 years. It is responsible for 85% of the hair in your head.

Catagen Phase: Also known as the transition phase, this is the period when the hair follicles shrink. It lasts between two to three weeks.

Telogen Phase: Also known as the resting phase, this lasts between two to four months, after which the hair falls out.

Is Hair Loss in Women Rampant?

A majority of people assume that hair loss only happens in men. However, at least 50% of women suffer from noticeable hair loss and require hair loss clinic Toronto services. The most common cause of hair loss in women is FPHL (Female Pattern Hair Loss) and affects one-third of women.

The type of treatment you receive from the hair loss clinic Toronto mainly depends on the cause of the hair loss. Common causes include; vitamin D deficiency, restrictive diets, hairstyle, over-processed scalp, and dieting that causes rapid weight loss.
