Business, Hair Restoration

Types of DHT Inhibitors in Hair Restoration Toronto Shampoos

Imbalance of sex hormones is the leading underlying cause of hair loss in both men and women. The prevalent kind of hair loss, in this case, is androgenic alopecia. An androgen denotes a sex hormone responsible for the development of male sexual characteristics like body hair. DHT {dihydrotesterone}, the most common androgen, nonetheless also causes the premature and fast loss of hair when present in excess amounts. To this end, most hair restoration Toronto shampoos contain DHT inhibitors to avert the blocking of the hormone to hair follicles. The following are a few of these inhibitors.


This is meant for the control of fungal infections and the prevention of prevalent skin ailments. When used in hair restoration Toronto products, ketoconazole will control hair loss and dandruff. Its primary benefit for managing hair loss is disrupting the DHT pathway. In so doing, it stops the damage of your hair follicles by DHT.

Salicylic Acid

This is a naturally occurring substance that reduces the sebum level on your scalp. This, in turn, reduces the buildup of DHT over time. This is because sebum contains considerable amounts of DHT. Other than lowering DHT, salicylic acid will prevent dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis.

Saw Palmetto Extract

This is a natural extract of a subtropical fruit. It reduces DHT levels by about half and is the best choice for those looking for a natural solution for their hair loss. It nonetheless might interact with other DHT blockers and become ineffective.

There are many shampoo brands currently for treating hair loss. For men and women whose issue has been attributed to high DHT levels, the above ingredients are essential in the product they pick. Before recommending one for you, hair restoration Toronto experts will conduct several tests. These determine the levels of DHT present on your scalp to ensure the levels are not excessively reduced.


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