Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal Toronto: Post Care Tips

Laser hair removal Toronto sends waves of effective and safe laser energy down to the core of your hair follicles. The heat impacts the natural growth cycle of the hair follicles, and it only takes a couple of weeks for the hairs to fall off by themselves. The next round of hair growth is thinner, finer, and lighter, making your laser hair removal session shorter and more enjoyable. That said, what post-care tips should you apply for faster recovery?

Redness and Bumps

This side effect is normal and common after a laser hair removal session and might last for up to two hours or longer. The area feels sour for a few hours, similar to what a sunburn feels like. To minimize this feeling, apply cold compresses. If there is crusting on the area, use a cream antibiotic. Note that if your skin is dark, your symptoms may be more severe and may last longer. Keep using the above remedies until you feel better.

Exfoliation Speeds Up the Shedding Process

Between one week and one month of your laser hair removal Toronto, you may experience hair shedding, which may look like new hair growth. However, this is not a new eruption of fresh hair, but instead dead hair finding its way out of the hair follicle. You can speed up this process through exfoliation. You can exfoliate by washing gently with a washcloth, or by gently shaving the area clean.

Avoid Disturbing the Treated Area

Avoid scratching, picking, threading, waxing, or tweezing the treated area. Do not apply any other hair removal product or method except shaving throughout your laser hair removal sessions. This is because these methods affect the follicle’s structure, thus preventing laser treatment from achieving the best results possible.

Laser hair removal Toronto is one of the best ways you can reduce and control hair growth. You will start to enjoy hairlessness after six to nine sessions, depending on your hair type. Consistency in hair removal sessions is the fastest way to achieving permanent results.


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