
Laser Hair Mississauga: Care and Treatment for Ingrown Hair

Ingrown hair is a common occurrence across people of all ages. It happens when a strand of hair grows back into your skin instead of coming out to the surface. This mostly occurs when the hair has been plucked, waxed, or shaved. To avoid ingrown hairs, you should consider switching to laser hair Mississauga removal method. It would help if you treated your ingrown hairs first before starting your laser hair removal sessions. Here is how.

Stop Hair Removal in the area

Any form of hair removal around an ingrown hair is not advisable until the ingrown hair completely disappears. Continuing to wax, shave, or pluck hair will further aggravate the affected area causing you discomfort. Additionally, picking or scratching the area will not only make your skin sensitive but might also cause a skin infection and a permanent scar on the area.

Gently Pull out the Hair

When the ingrown hair comes out on the skin surface, gently and carefully pull it out. You can use a needle or a pair of sterile tweezers to do so. Do not pluck out the hair entirely until the affected area is completely healed. Failure to do so will see the skin surface healing over the hair, making it ingrown again. Do not break or dig into the skin as this only gives way for infections.

Remove Dead Skin

A gentle wash and frequent exfoliation around the ingrown hair will soften the skin and make it easy for the ingrown hair to come up to the skin surface. If this does not work, your consultant at laser hair Mississauga will recommend a drug that will slough off the dead skin faster. This will enable the hair to come out fast and the surrounding skin area to recover equally fast.

One of the best ways to avoid ingrown hairs is by opting for removal by laser hair Mississauga instead of other hair removal methods. Laser hair removal thins out the hair follicle with each treatment, making it hard for it to curl inwards to form an ingrown hair. Properly moisturize and take care of your skin for a healthy, glowing hair-free skin.


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